Winter 2008

Series: Pennsylvania Heritage Magazine

Volume XXXIV, Number 1


Forty Fort Meeting House: The Architecture of a Union
Vance Packard

An Activist Government in Harrisburg: Governor George H. Earle III and Pennsylvania’s “Little New Deal”
Kenneth C. Wolensky

From the Ashes at Boyertown: Safety Legislation for All
Mary Jane Schneider 



Executive Director’s Letter
Barbara Franco


Out and About

Our Documentary Heritage: The Ring of the Nibelung Hand-Colored Plate
Willis L. Shirk Jr

Hands-on History: Bringing German Culture to Life at the Landis Valley Museum
Rebecca Halton

Along the Pennsylvania Trails of History

Pennsylvania Heritage Society Newsletter

PHMC Highlights


Wish You Were Here!: Fonthill

Marking Time: Norvelt

Sharing the Common Wealth: WPA Diorama at State Museum of Pennsylvania

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