Winter 2011

Series: Pennsylvania Heritage Magazine

Volume XXXVII, Number 1


Executive Director's Letter
Barbara Franco

From the Editor
Michael J. O'Malley III


Wish You Were Here!

The Rise and Fall of "Young Napoleon"
William C. Kashatus

Wood on Glass: The Lumber Industry Photographs of William T. Clarke
Linda A. Ries, Harry Littell

"This Is a Beautiful, Bountiful Earth": Joseph Trimble Rothrock and the Preservation of Penn's Woods
Rebecca Diane Swanger

William Penn's Pennsylvania: A Legacy of Religious Freedom
John Fea

Investing in Our Past: Giving a New Shine to an Old Boot and Shoe Factory
Bonnie Wilkinson Mark

Our Documentary Heritage
Willis L. Shirk Jr.

Pennsylvania Heritage Society Newsletter

PHMC Highlights


Lost and Found

Marking Time: Pennsdale Meeting

Sharing the Common Wealth

Features in this issue: "The Rise and Fall of 'Young Napoleon'" by William C. Kashatus, "Wood on Glass: The Lumber Industry Photographs of William T. Clarke" by Linda A. Ries and Harry Littell, "'This Is a Beautiful, Bountiful Earth': Joseph Trimble Rothrock and the Preservation of Penn's Woods" by Rebecca Diane Swanger, "William Penn's Pennsylvania: A Legacy of Religious Freedom" by John Fea, and "Investing in Our Past: Giving a New Shine to an Old Boot and Shoe Factory" by Bonnie Wilkinson Mark.
Features in this issue: "The Rise and Fall of 'Young Napoleon'" by William C. Kashatus, "Wood on Glass: The Lumber Industry Photographs of William T. Clarke" by Linda A. Ries and Harry Littell, "'This Is a Beautiful, Bountiful Earth': Joseph Trimble Rothrock and the Preservation of Penn's Woods" by Rebecca Diane Swanger, "William Penn's Pennsylvania: A Legacy of Religious Freedom" by John Fea, and "Investing in Our Past: Giving a New Shine to an Old Boot and Shoe Factory" by Bonnie Wilkinson Mark.

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