Series: Pennsylvania Heritage Magazine
Volume XXXVII, Number 3
Executive Director's Letter
Barbara Franco
From the Editor
Michael J. O'Malley III
Wish You Were Here!
Aiming for the Stars: The Forgotten Legacy of the Westinghouse Astronuclear Laboratory
Willis L. Shirk Jr.
Discovering Religious Diversity Along the Pennsylvania Trails of History
John K. Robinson
Peter Kalm in Pennsylvania
Myra K. Jacobsohn
Cultivating Piety: The Religious World of Joseph Price
John Fea
Hands-On History: Teaching the Trades of Preservation
News: Scientists Confirm Discovery of New Dinosaur at The State Museum of Pennsylvania
Trailheads: Bring on the Next 150 Years!
Amy Killpatrick Fox
Our Documentary Heritage
Willis L. Shirk Jr.
Pennsylvania Heritage Society Newsletter
Curator's Choice
Lost and Found
Marking Time: Muhlenberg House
Sharing the Common Wealth