Series: Pennsylvania Heritage Magazine
Volume XXXVI, Number 4
Executive Director's Letter
Barbara Franco
From the Editor
Michael J. O'Malley III
Wish You Were Here!
General Meade's Press Warfare!
Joan Wenner, Andy Waskie
Lloyd Mifflin: Artist of the Susquehanna
Irwin Richman
Rising from the Muck: The Marshalls Creek Mastodon
Robert M. Sullivan
Trailblazers: Henry "Harry" T. Burleigh
Eric Ledell Smith
Hands on History: Pioneering the Civil Rights Movement
Todd M. Mealy
The Grand Review Revisited
Michael Barton, Stephen S. Noel, John Logan
Our Documentary Heritage
Willis L. Shirk Jr.
Pennsylvania Heritage Society Newsletter
PHMC Highlights
Marking Time: The 54th Mass. Infantry Regiment, US Colored Troops
Sharing the Common Wealth