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Dunkleosteus: Devonian Denizen of the Deep

Dunkleosteus: Devonian Denizen of the Deep

Kesler A. Randall, Robert M. Sullivan, and Spencer G. Lucas, 1996. This booklet is written for the lay reader, and provides an in-depth look at Dunkleosteus, a thirty-foot fish from the Devonian period (408-362 million years ago). 12 pp., 6 x 9, illus. paperback

Kesler A. Randall, Robert M. Sullivan, and Spencer G. Lucas, 1996. This booklet is written for the lay reader, and provides an in-depth look at Dunkleosteus, a thirty-foot fish from the Devonian period (408-362 million years ago).
This booklet provides an in-depth look at Dunkleosteus, a thirty-foot fish from the Devonian period (408-362 million years ago).

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