Winter 2023

Series: Pennsylvania Heritage Magazine

Volume XLIX, Number 1


The Plastic Club: Advancing Women Artists for 125 Years
Patricia Likos Ricci

A Wish, a Dish & a Fish: New Year’s Rituals of the Pennsylvania Dutch
Patrick J. Donmoyer

For Every Room in the House: The Story of Armstrong Cork Co. in Print, Radio and Television
James D. McMahon Jr.


From the Executive Director
Andrea Lowery

Editor’s Letter
Kyle R. Weaver

Our Documentary Heritage: Harry Houck, Edwin Armstrong and the Superheterodyne Receiver
Richard C. Saylor

Picturing PA: Living in the Cornplanter Grant
Tyler Stump

A Place in Time: Germantown Jewish Center
April E. Frantz

Book Review: American Workman by Maxwell King and Louise Lippincott
Erin Pauwels

Book Review: Beethoven in Beijing by Jennifer Lin
Mark Ferraguto

Book Review: Barnstorming in Eastern Pennsylvania and Beyond  by Jeffrey L. Marshall
Sally McMurry

Book Review: Death of the Daily News by Andrew Conte
Don Sarvey

Trailheads: 2022 Trails
Amy Killpatrick Fox

Pennsylvania Heritage Foundation Newsletter

Marking Time: “Winter Wonderland”
Alli Davis

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