Volume LI, Number 2
The Hanna’s Town Resolves: A Year Before the Declaration of Independence, Freedom Rang on the Pennsylvania Frontier
Brady J. Crytzer
Pennsylvania and the American Revolution: An Interview with Gordon S. Wood
William C. Kashatus
A Beacon of Liberty for the Enslaved: 250 Years of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society
Peter Durantine
From Fort Sumter to Appotomattox and Back: The Civil War Career of Samuel W. Crawford
Robert D. Hill
From the Executive Director
Andrea W. Lowery
Editor’s Letter
Kyle R. Weaver
Our Documentary Heritage: The Arrest of Philip Skene
Richard C. Saylor
Marking Time: Anna Elizabeth Dickinson, Famed Orator of the Civil War Era
Alli Davis
A Place in Time: Irish-Townsend House
Jennifer Thornton
Hands-On History: A Quarter-Millenium of Charcoal Burning at Hopewell Furnace
Thomas J. Straka
Trailheads: Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania 50
Patrick C. Morrison
Book Review: Cradle of Conservation by Allen Dieterich-Ward
Char Miller
Book Review: Philadelphia: A Narrative History by Paul Kahan
Isabel Steven
Pennsylvania Heritage Foundation Newsletter
Wish You Were Here: Edward Holland Blacksmith Shop
John P. Wood
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